
Stoa was organized to serve the privately educated, Christian homeschool community. It recognizes and accepts that homeschooling families use a wide variety of homeschooling strategies and we support the parental right to direct the education of their children.

Eligibility for the Stoa National Invitational Tournament of Champions:

Qualified Competitors shall meet the following  criteria:

1. AGE

Qualified competitors shall be ages 12 to 18 on January 1, of the competition year. Students who will be older than 18 on January 1, of the competition year may be deemed eligible if proof of high school status is verified by Stoa.


The member family must read, initial and support the Statement of Faith.


If the following 2 questions can be answered in the affirmative (with a yes) the student shall be deemed home educated for Stoa purposes.

1.    Your student is at least ONE of the following?.
(A)  Exempt from public education enrollment and/or attendance in your state.
(B)  Homeschooled under the statutes or regulations in your state.
(C)  Enrolled in a non public home-based educational program according to the laws in your state.
(D)  Covered by HSLDA.

2.    Your student is NOT enrolled full-time in any one of the following:
(A) Public school;
(B) Charter school;
(C) Traditional campus-based private school.